Step Up During the 23rd Annual Fineview Step Challenge

Are you ready for the Fineview Step Challenge? Sign up for a 5-mile Urban Step and Trail Challenge ascending Fineview’s hills, streets, and staircases. Among the steps are Pittsburgh’s steepest stair-set – with 331 steps – on Rising Main Avenue which is the equivalent of a 17-story building! The course covers 12 public staircases for a total of over 1,600 steps and provides breathtaking views along the way!

Fineview Citizens Council will host the 23rd Annual Step Challenge on Saturday, October 13, starting at 8:30 am at the Catoma Street Overlook. For more information, visit the Fineview Step Challenge event page. You can register online for the Step Challenge. This is the primary fundraiser for the Fineview Citizens Council to be able to offer unique programming to its community and to support beautification efforts of the neighborhood.

Fineview Pittsburgh PA
