Pittsburgh Musical Theater Presents A Lyrical Christmas Carol. Dickens’ magical tale of Scrooge, ghosts, Tiny Tim, and the Cratchit family returns this holiday at the New Hazlett Theater. This interpretation of the classic tale of redemption was created in 1991 by Ken and Jane Gargaro. It’s a heartwarming show that brims with holiday spirit, including seasonal carols and the music of Bach, Mozart, and Vaughn Williams.
Presented by Pittsburgh Musical Theatre, A Lyrical Christmas Carolwill be performed from Thursday, December 17 to Sunday, December 20. Performance times are 7:30 pm on Thursday through Saturday and 2:00 pm on Sunday. For more information, visit A Lyrical Christmas Carol event page, For tickets, call 412- 539-0900 x232.
6 Allegheny Square East Pittsburgh, PA 15212