ACCA 2018-2020 Board of Directors Election: May 14, 2018
At the Allegheny City Central Association General Membership Meeting on Monday, May 14, 2018, ACCA members will vote for individuals to fill open positions on the Board of Directors. Those elected will serve for two years, through May 2020, and join five other board members whose terms expire in 2019. The six nominations for the 2018-2020 ACCA Board of Directors are:
- Kathy Deis
- Patrick Dexter
- Nicholas Ross
- Patrick Sweeney
- Andrew Wickesberg
- Matthew Williamson
Prior to the election, take some time to learn more about each of the candidates running for the ACCA Board of Directors.
The ACCA General Membership Meeting will be held at 7:00 pm on Monday, May 14, 2018 at Alphabet City, located at 40 West North Avenue.
40 West North Avenue Pittsburgh