The Clean Pittsburgh Commission has awarded a grant of $2,500 to Allegheny City Central neighbor, Laura Winter, to beautify Alpine Parket. The grant will be used to plant 8-10 trees and 12-15 shrubs.
Laura is coordinating Alpine Parklet Planting Day on Saturday, May 15 and is looking for volunteers. Can you help?
Volunteers are needed to help with planting and watering; moving soil, compost, and mulch via wheelbarrow; providing refreshments for volunteers; and lending a hand where needed. All volunteers will be working safely and following social distancing guidelines. The event will be planned so that a limited number of people will be working at the same time. Sign-ups will be for a specific time and activity.
Alpine Parklet is located between Alpine and Jacksonia Streets, and between Monterey and Garfield Streets. If you have questions, or are interested in volunteering, email Laura. Let’s do our best to beautify Alpine Parklet, our neighborhood’s ‘Diamond in the Rough’!