Bags n’ Blocks Meet n’ Greet at Alphabet Reading Garden

Join your fellow neighbors for a Block Bagger Meet n’ GreetBags n’ Blocks is growing everyday and this is your opportunity to meet others involved, and stay updated on all the great collaborations going on within the Northside. Take this time to share stories, get to know one another better, and continue to grow as a community. 

Bags n’ Blocks Meet n’ Greet is free and will take place on Saturday, August 25 from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm at Alphabet Reading Garden, located at 1406 Monterey Street. There will be refreshments and fantastic door prizes, so you don’t want to miss this! Registrations are appreciated at Bags n’ Blocks Meet n’ Greet event page.

1406 Monterey Street 15212
