The Residential Permit Parking Program (RPP) is designed to give residents in designated areas a better chance to park near their homes. Currently, the Department of City Planning is responsible for creating and expanding new areas for this program, but the City of Pittsburgh is interested in transferring this process to the Pittsburgh Parking Authority, who already manages permits and enforcement in RPP Areas.
Since this plan requires a change to the City Code, the City is taking this opportunity to ask residents about any changes to the program they want to see. This will allow the city to make all potential code changes at the same time.
A new survey has been created to gather your feedback about the designation of new districts, fees, permits for residents and visitors, and allows for any other feedback you would like to give about this program. You can take the Residential Permit Parking Survey online. Or, if you prefer, you can call 3-1-1 and ask the operator to walk you through the survey.
Do You Need More Information About The Residential Permit Parking Project?
- The City’s Residential Permit Parking designation process
- The Parking Authority’s RPP Portal that includes requirements for obtaining a permit
- An interactive map of all existing RPP Areas
- The existing Code for the RPP Program
The Residential Permit Parking Survey will be available to residents until Sunday, April 25, 2021.