Fundraiser: Fineview Step Challenge & Biggs Hillside Garden

The organizers of the Fineview Step Challenge and the Biggs Hillside Garden are hosting a Happy Hour Fundraising event at James Street Gastropub and Speakeasy.

Come have some fun, hear some jazz, and have a drink with your neighbor while helping two of Fineview’s special events! Select beverages and appetizers will be available for purchase during the event, and a portion of the sales will go towards the Fineview Step Challenge and the Biggs Hillside Garden.

The Happy Hour Fundraiser will be held on Thursday, May 21 from 5:00 until 8:00 pm at the James Street Gastropub & Speakeasy, located at 422 Foreland Street in neighboring Deutschtown.

Fineview Step Challenge

Celebrating its 20th year, the Fineview Step Challenge is a uniquely Pittsburgh event. It is a 5-mile Urban Trail Challenge ascending Fineview’s hills, streets and staircases. Among the steps are Pittsburgh’s largest stairset (337 steps) on Rising Main Avenue which is the equivalent of a 17-story building. The course covers 12 public staircases for a total of over 1,600 steps and provides breathtaking views along the way! Mark your calendars – the Fineview Step Challenge is scheduled for Saturday, October 17!

Biggs Hillside Garden

Biggs Hillside Garden is part of the GTECH Strategies ReClaim Northside Ambassador Program. The program was established to help Northside residents transform their neighborhood’s vacant lots into better places. With the help of volunteers, ReClaim Northside Ambassador Nicole Flaherty will transform the now vacant hillside in Fineview into an inviting public garden space with perennials, ground cover, and decorative pieces all shaded by large beautiful trees lining the property.

422 Foreland Street Pittsburgh 15212
