Open House and BBQ at YMWAHA

You are Invited to an Open House and BBQ at YMWAHA

Plan to come to the Open House and BBQ at the Young Men and Women’s African Heritage Association. Enjoy some summer sun, hot dogs and burgers, and have some fun while you learn about the programs of YMWAHA.

The Young Men & Women’s African Heritage Association (YMWAHA) engages the community via their cultural, arts, music, and education programs which are tailored to promote a sense of determination and accomplishment for all ages. YMWAHA programs were developed with the core philosophy of broadening horizons and encouraging participants to view themselves as members of a global multi-cultural, multi-talented society while embracing opportunities for personal achievement, creative expression, and social change.

The YMWAHA Open House and BBQ will be held on Thursday, June 23, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at 1205 Boyle Street

1205 Boyle Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15212
