Making the Business Case to Go Green

Attention Business Owners: The Making the Business Case: Energy Savings, Financial Opportunities workshop will help you identify which opportunities tend to produce the biggest “bang for the buck” in terms of energy savings. The program features presentations from past Pittsburgh Green Workplace Challenge (GWC) participants who have demonstrated significant energy savings through their investments and employee engagement activities.

Panelists will discuss ways of offsetting the costs of conducting energy audits with ACT 129 rebates for improved efficiencies in electrical equipment as well as demand response programs. Presenters will show how to formulate a financial plan and set expectations on how long it will take to achieve payback on such investments.

Presented by Pittsburgh Green Workplace Challenge, Making the Business Case: Energy Savings, Financial Opportunities workshop will take place at the New Hazlett Theater on Friday, January 30, from 8:30 until 11:00 am. For more information, or to purchase tickets, visit the New Hazlett Theater Making the Business Case webpage. For the workshop agenda and featured panelists, visit the Pittsburgh Green Workplace Challenge registration page. If you have questions, email, or call 412-258-6650.

6 Allegheny Square East Pittsburgh, PA 15212
