Penguins! Teen Experience

Teens, ages 13-18, can begin their holiday season fun spending time with the National Aviary’s African penguins! Participants will get up-close and personal with the penguin colony.They will prepare food for the penguins and observe first-hand how these amazing birds are cared for every day by National Aviary staff. They will have an opportunity to help create an original masterpiece painted by one of the penguins. They will also meet other members of the feathered flock and explore behind-the-scenes locations.

The Penguins! Teen Experience event runs from 9:00 am until 2:00 pm at the National Aviary on Saturday, November 29. Space is limited and registration is required. To register, contact the Education Program Coordinator by calling 412-258-9439 or email

For more information, visit the Penguins! Teen Experience event page.

700 Arch Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15212
