Pre-K Class at National Aviary: : Birds of Paradise

Little Learners Can Discover the World of Birds

Designed with some of the youngest visitors in mind, the National Aviary’s Early Learning programs are the perfect way to explore nature with your young child!  With a different theme each month and age-appropriate activities, these programs will introduce children to the wonder of birds as they explore important concepts like counting, colors, and more!

Two Early Learning classes will be held on Tuesday, February 9 at the National Aviary. The theme for February is Birds of Paradise. Advanced registration is required for both classes. Call 412-258-9439 or email to register. For more information, visit the Birds of Paradise class page.

Toddler Class: 10:00 am to 10:45 am

Early Learning programs for 2 and 3 year olds are all about exploration!  Mixing sensory play and motor skills with games and songs, the National Aviary’s lessons will introduce our earliest learners to birds and nature in a fun and interactive way!  Each program includes age-appropriate activities and games, a visit from a bird, crafts, and opportunities to explore at their own pace.

Pre-K Class: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

Introducing core preschool lessons in a fun and unique way, Early Learning for 4 and 5 year olds uses the National Aviary’s bird ambassadors as a way to discover counting, colors, ABC’s, and more.  Each program includes a visit from a bird, stories and activities, songs and games, and a special craft to take home!

700 Arch Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15212
