‘Actors Talk August’ Presented by August Wilson House

Free Virtual Event at Alphabet City

City of Asylum @ Alphabet City, located in our neighborhood at 40 West North Avenue, is the permanent home for City of Asylum programming and the arts. It is a home for diverse voices from around the globe – a place where Pittsburgh meets the world and the world meets Pittsburgh. To view all of the events that are scheduled, or to register for any of the events, visit the Alphabet City website.

‘Actors Talk August’ Presented by August Wilson House
Monday, March 1 from 8:15 to 9:15 pm
August Wilson House celebrates America’s greatest playwright with a web series of substantial insider interviews called ‘Actors Talk August,’ streaming on the first and third Monday of each month. Featured are leading August Wilson actors and directors interviewed by Chris Rawson, veteran Pittsburgh Post-Gazette theater critic. In this edition, Rawson will interview LeLand Gantt. LeLand has performed in eight of the ten August Wilson American Century Cycle plays, including a powerful Booster in the 1996 professional premiere of Jitney at the Pittsburgh Public Theater.
