Barrelhouse Opening Party & Barrel Roll

It’s time for the Barrelhouse to open for the summer season! Come enjoy the nation’s only whiskey garden with a wonderfully Wigle season opener in Spring Garden. To celebrate the beginning of the season, Wigle Whiskey is throwing a whiskey barrel-filled bash complete with a pig roast, barrel-aged cocktails, live music and a DJ!

To add to the festivities, Wigle has assigned some of the most creative and talented Pittsburgh partners the task of building a barrel-carrying contraption to bring a whiskey barrel from the distillery located in the Strip District, across the 16th Street Bridge, to the Barrelhouse in Spring Garden.

The 2nd Annual Barrel Roll and the Barrelhouse Opening Party will be held on Friday, May 1. The Barrel Roll will leave the distillery at 5:00 pm and the Barrelhouse Opening Party will be from 6:00 until 9:00 pm. The Whiskey Garden & Barrelhouse is located at 1055 Spring Garden Road on the Northside.

For more information, or to purchase tickets for the Barrel Roll or the Barrelhouse Opening Party, visit the Wigle Whiskey event page.

1055 Spring Garden Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15212
