Doors Open Pittsburgh Hosts Virtual Storytelling Events
Doors Open Pittsburgh (DOP) invites you to celebrate the area’s treasured architecture, collective heritage, and unique neighborhoods. Doors Open Pittsburgh is currently presenting weekly virtual storytelling experiences that celebrate Pittsburgh.
The Doors Open Pittsburgh Virtual Stories are held on Monday evenings at 7:30 pm. Pre-registration is required to join the live stream. The cost of each event is Pay-What-You-Can.
If you have questions, call 412-583-1424 or email
Jonas Salk Ends Paralyzing Summers
Monday, April 12 at 7:30 pm
Everyone who is old enough remembers where they were on April 12, 1955 when the Polio Vaccine was heralded. Horns honked, church bells rang, people celebrated in the streets. It was official: The Salk Vaccine Is Safe and Works! This is the story of Salk’s journey to discovery, the setbacks, the grit, the naysayers, and the triumph of a national hero.