MyPlate – Dietary Guidelines

The USDA created MyPlate to help Americans visualize Dietary Guidelines. These guidelines showcase all of the food groups adults should be consuming every day and how much of each food group should be consumed at each meal. As part of their Health and Wellness Be Well – Stay Well program, Allegheny General Hospital – Northside Partnership wants you to know how to make your meals fit into MyPlate

Registered Dietitians will be discussing MyPlate at our local GiantEagle, located at 318-320 Cedar Avenue in neighboring Deutschtown. The dates and times of the presentations are:

  • Thursday, May 7, from  5:00 to 6:00 pm
  • Tuesday, May 12, from 12:00 to 1:00 pm

Registrations must be made to attend. To RSVP, email or call 412-330-2535.

Giant Eagle, 318 Cedar Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA
