Author Reading and Signing: Confessions of the Editor Brigand

You are invited to City Books for an Author Reading and Signing featuring Cori Nicole Smith Wamsley, who writes fun, quirky books for women and children. Cori will be reading from her 2011 novel Confessions of the Editor Brigand.

Confessions of the Editor Brigand exposes Cori’s soul as the main character, Zhanna, becomes obsessed with her desire for perfect written communication. She takes on the persona of the Editor Brigand and slinks through the night on increasingly more dangerous missions to correct the world’s grammar. As she travels from town to town visiting her friends and making perfect memories, she takes up online dating, finding the profiles amusing and her suitors flawed. Will she ever find a balance between compulsive editing and her own true desire for perfection?

The Cori Nicole Smith Wamsley Reading and Signing will be held on Tuesday, November 15, at 7:00 pm at City Books, located at 908 Galveston Avenue in neighboring Allegheny West. For more information, visit the Book Reading and Signing event page.

908 Galveston Avenue 15233
