Put on your sailor hat, mermaid tail, or octopus tentacles and come to a special adults-only evening at the Children’s Museum. During the 21+ MAKEnight: Aquatic event, you will explore the MAKESHOP, Studio, Attic, Garage and the newest exhibit in the Traveling Gallery.
On the Docks, you can make old school sand art, create beautiful splashes of color using watercolors and salt, and make a silkscreen memento to take home from your night under the sea. In the MAKESHOP, you can use LEDs to create anglerfish, create sea creatures from recycled materials and fabric, and swim into an interactive under-the-sea installation. So many more activities are also on deck! Don’t be shellfish – invite your friends or come with your school. It’ll be a whale-y great time. Canvas bags will be available to silkscreen the evening of the event for just five clams.
MAKEnight: Aquatic will be held on Thursday, December 3, from 6:30 to 9:30 pm at the Children’s Museum.For more information, or to purchase your ticket, visit the MAKEnight: Aquatic event page. Tickets include light fare, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, and all activities. All attendees must be 21 or older.