Carnegie Science Center, in cooperation with Pittsburgh CLO and the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, wants your child to see an afternoon performance of Matilda at the Benedum Center, and then spend the night at Carnegie Science Center with all the usual sleepover features plus special Matilda-themed activities!
Before the show, you can drop off your sleeping bag and overnight gear at the Science Center, and then take the subway to town. After the performance, take the subway back to the Science Center by 6:30 pm to take advantage of all the sleepover fun.
The Matilda Sleepover will be held on Saturday, June 4. The matinee performance of Matilda begins at 2:00 pm. The sleepover at Carnegie Science Center starts at 6:30 pm. Bring your entire family for an afternoon at the theater and a night at the Science Center! For more information, visit the Science Sleepovers event page. To purchase your tickets, call Pittsburgh CLO at 412‑325-1582 or Pittsburgh Cultural Trust at 412‑471-6930.