Sunday Brunch at Heathside Cottage

Come to a Special Sunday Brunch at Heathside Cottage

You are invited to a special Sunday Brunch at Historic Heathside Cottage! Every other(ish) Sunday,  Heathside Cottage will be hosting a Sunday Brunch with traditional and peculiar food, drink, and entertainment. The first Sunday Brunch will be held on Sunday, May 1, from 10:00 am until 12:00 pm. Heathside Cottage is located at 416 Catoma Street in Fineview.

Heathside Cottage is a nationally registered Historic Landmark in Pittsburgh’s Northside neighborhood of Fineview.  Built in the mid-nineteenth century by bridge architect James Andrews, it has since been restored to its Early Victorian style, with ornate gothic features throughout the home and garden.

For more information, visit the Heathside Cottage Sunday Brunch event page. All proceeds go toward Heathside Events.

416 Catoma Street 15212
