Explore Manchester and Chateau with an Urban Hike
Urban Hike‘s first hike of 2016 will be in the Manchester and Chateau neighborhoods of the Northside. Come learn about these great neighborhoods that are filled with history! New and historic buildings will be highlighted on the hike. You’ll see before and after images of the neighborhoods and learn about both old and recent housing developments along the way. The hike will include a visit to Bicycle Heaven. The hike is about 3 miles long and it should last between 2 and 3 hours.
This hike is part of the international event called Jane’s Walk, which commemorates Jane Jacobs, the author of The Death and Life of Great American Cities. The hike will feature how Manchester and Chateau were once a connected neighborhood that was severed by highway expansions. The thriving Beaver Street business district was completely demolished to make way for the highway.
The Manchester and Chateau hike will take place, rain or shine, at 10:00 am on Saturday, May 7. For more information, visit the Urban Hike event page.