During its 4th Annual Winter Film Series, Allegheny City Society selected films that were shot in and about Pittsburgh.
The Winter Film Series continues with a showing of Lady Beware. Filmed on location in and around Pittsburgh, Lady Beware is a 1987 American thriller.
Lady Beware is the story of Katya Yarno, a window dresser for Horne’s department store. Katya lives in a loft apartment in downtown Pittsburgh spending her evenings thinking up new and more provocative window displays. She is stalked by Jack, a married man who makes Katya’s life hellish – living up to the movie tagline: “when fantasy leads to terror.”
Lady Beware will be shown on Tuesday, April 7, at Bistro to Go, located at 415 East Ohio Street in neighboring Historic Deutschtown. Plan to go early to enjoy dinner at the Bistro, and then stay for a free film talk at 6:45 pm, and the free screening of Lady Beware at 7:00 pm.
Allegheny City Society is an historical organization that preserves and promotes the history of Allegheny City and Pittsburgh’s North Side.