Yard Debris Special Collection

The City of Pittsburgh’s Department of Public Works, Bureau of Environmental Services, will be collecting leaf and yard debris from all residents in a special curbside collection on Saturday, November 14, 2015. Your participation in this program helps the environment by diverting valuable resources from landfills. 

Yard debris should be placed at your normal collection site by 6:00 am the morning of pickup. 

  • Leaves: Residents must bag leaves in paper bags only and place them out at the normal refuse collection site. Bags should not exceed 35 pounds. Leaves in plastic bags will not be accepted. 
  • Tree Branches and Bushes: Cut, bundle and tie branches and bushes in lengths not exceeding 5 feet in length. Tree branch diameter should not exceed four (4”) inches.
  • Please Note: City crews will not collect dirt, rocks, stones or cement. Yard debris left at the curb by contracted lawn care workers or independent contractors will not be collected by city crews.

Refer to the program guidelines for full details. If you have any questions, contact the City of Pittsburgh, Bureau of Environmental Services at 412-255-2773 or 412-255-2631

Central Northside, Pittsburgh, PA
