Attendees of October’s Neighborhood Public Safety Meeting suggested that residents complete a Neighborhood Pride Assessment Survey in order to identify and address issues in the neighborhood. ACCA’s Safety Committee will collect the responses of the survey and present the identified issues at an upcoming Neighborhood Public Safety Meeting. Attendees of the meeting will work with the Police to develop action plans for solving the identified issues.
Please fill out the survey below, or fill out this form. Forms may be emailed to safety@accapgh.org, dropped off at the front desk of Carnegie Library on Federal Street, or brought to the next ACCA Neighborhood Public Safety Meeting to be held on November 25 at 6 pm at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.
The deadline for submittals is December 15. You may submit the survey as many times as you like. Surveys may be submitted anonymously and responses will be kept confidential.
This survey has been closed.