Autumn House Press, in conjunction with the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, is pleased to present the Pittsburgh Parks Summer Reading Series, a five-month reading series held each month in a new park location. The series is a free-to-the-public reading meant to bring literature out into the neighborhood.
The second reading of the series will be held at the Allegheny Commons West Park near Lake Elizabeth. Bring a blanket, bring a beverage, and hear Judith Vollmer, Israel Centeno, and Kevin González read selections of poetry and prose. After the reading, you are invited to enjoy the park and engage in lively discussions about the reading. In addition to the reading, there will be a free first-come-first-serve book giveaway to audience members.
The free Summer Reading Series at Allegheny Commons West Park will be held on Sunday, June 12 at 4:00 pm. For more information about this reading, visit the Allegheny Commons Summer Reading event page. To view the locations for the remainder of the Summer Reading Series, visit the Autumn House Press Summer Reading Series event page.