Meet the Candidates

At the Allegheny City Central (ACCA) general membership meeting on Monday, May 12, 2014, members will vote for individuals to fill open positions on the board of directors. Those elected will serve for two years, through May 2016, and join seven other board members whose terms expire in 2015.

Here’s background on each of the candidates.

Jeff Brizek

Jeff Brizek has been a resident of the North Side for seven years since he graduated from Penn State University. He first rented in Allegheny West in 2007 before moving to the School House Apartments. Three years ago, he decided to make the North Side his permanent home when he purchased a town home in the new Federal Hill Development in Allegheny City Central.

His career in procurement and supply chain has led him to his current role as a sourcing agent at UPMC where he is responsible for negotiating contracts and pricing for clinical supplies used throughout the hospital system.

Jeff hopes that by serving on the ACCA board, he can truly be integrated into the neighborhood and help drive ideas into action in order to continue to make Allegheny City Central amazing.

Patrick Dexter

Patrick Dexter works for Cepstral LLC as the Director of Business Development. Cepstral is a leader in the text to speech industry. Patrick has a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Science from the University of Pittsburgh. Patrick has lived in Allegheny City Central since 2004.

Ray Hayes

Ray Hayes and his wife, Addie, purchased their home on Palo Alto Street in 1996. From 1989 to 2000, Ray was the owner and publisher of the Apartment Rental Guide of Pittsburgh. He sold the publication and business to For Rent Magazine in 2000.  

For the past 12 years he has worked as a financial advisor. He is currently employed by Aptus Wealth Planning where he helps clients meet their financial objectives through financial planning and investment management. Outside of business, he volunteers to support the religious efforts of his local congregation.

Tim Johnson

Tim Johnson is Executive Director of the Allegheny County Employees’ Retirement System. He and his wife, Atiya, are “empty-nesters” who purchased their home in the Mexican War Streets in 2013. Together, they have a combined family with four children

He’s previously served as Administrative Services Director for Allegheny County with responsibility for Computer Services, Property Assessment, Facilities, Elections, Purchasing and Open Records. Until recently, Tim was a Mt. Lebanon Committeeman. For 10 years, Tim worked as VP of Community Development Lending for a series of local banks.

Tim graduated Duquesne University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and Robert Morris University with a Master’s Degree in Organizational Development. For much of the past seven years, Tim has devoted himself to serving God in his church where he is a Deacon and chaired a $3 million fund-raising campaign to erect the new Triumph Baptist Church.

Tim serves on the board of the PA Economic Development Finance Authority. He accepted nomination to the ACCA board because he wants to contribute to his community and hopes his skills can help the board execute its strategic goals.

Patricia Rogers

Patricia Rogers was born and raised on the North Side of Pittsburgh where she attended Martin Luther King Elementary School and Allegheny High School. After graduating from high school she attended Wilberforce University and graduated with a B.A. in Communications in 1988. She received a Master in Education from Penn State University in 1998.  Patricia owns a home on Buena Vista Street in the Mexican War Streets.

She is currently the Program Coordinator for the Allegheny County Jail Re-entry Program where she works with the transition of jail offenders into the community. The goal of the program is to provide support to the client with rehabilitation within the community by linking the client to job/ career, adequate housing and education.

Patricia has worked and volunteered for 25 years as a counselor/ therapist with several community human services agencies including the Community College of Allegheny County, Whale’s Tale, Children and Youth Services, Healthy Start, Pittsburgh Aids Task force, Urban Youth Action, CLEAR, and the YMCA (North Side).  For six years, she was a Board Member and Secretary for the Northside Urban Pathway.

She is committed to the development of families and identifies the development of healthy families as crucial to the improvement of Allegheny City Central and all of the North Side.

Andrew Wickesberg

Andrew Wickesberg has been a resident of Allegheny City Central since 2009.  A graduate of Indiana University Bloomington, Andrew holds a Bachelors Degree in both violin and viola performance.  Currently employed by the Pittsburgh Symphony, Andrew was a negotiator for the musicians in their most recent contract settlement.  Andrew is currently vice president of the ACCA board of directors. He’s served on the board since 2011 and is running for reelection.

Matt Williamson

Matt Williamson is a five-year resident of Reddour Street. He does home repair and remodeling work and enjoy gardening. He is running for the board of the Allegheny City Central Association “so that the board is adequately full of people and opinions.”











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