Expansion of Residential Permit Parking to be Explored

HH Permit Parking Sign2
Expansion Residential Permit Parking area HH is being considered

A public informational meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 15 to discuss the possible expansion of the Residential Parking Permit Program (RPPP) in Allegheny City Central. This community meeting is being held to discuss what the RPPP program entails and to gauge the interest of the residents in the implementation of the program for their streets. This meeting will not determine the final outcome, but rather provide further possible avenues of action. The program is completely resident-driven, so the residents themselves will decide whether or not to have Permit Parking on their street.

The meeting will start at 7:00 pm at the Trinity Lutheran Church located at 616 West North Avenue. There will be a presentation on the operation of the RPPP followed by a discussion of the program. Your attendance is important because this will be the only public meeting related to this matter.

The Department of City Planning received requests for permit parking from residents that live on Palo Alto Street, North Taylor Avenue, and West North Avenue. The department sent a notice on June 23 to residents on those streets as well as adjacent streets. However, the permit parking area could be larger if there is enough interest from neighbors on surrounding streets. Please let your neighbors know about the meeting in the event that they did not receive the notice.

To learn more about the Residential Parking Permit Program, visit the City of Pittsburgh’s RPPP webpage. To view the boundaries of the current Mexican War Streets Permit Parking area, view the Pittsburgh Parking Authority HH Permit Parking map.

If you have questions, email Ashley Holloway, Neighborhood Planner and Residential Permit Parking Program Administrator, or his assistant, Joe Chuly. You can also reach Ashley Holloway by calling 412-393-0162.


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