Let’s Share Our Community Assets with One Northside

The First Historic District - Glenn OlcerstA team of 11 interns from Penn State, Carnegie Mellon, and Chatham, with the staff at GTECH Strategies, is working on a project called the One Northside Asset Inventory and Mapping (NS AIM). This is a project that is intended to build directly off of the Quality of Place vision set forth in the One Northside Consensus Plan in 2014.

One Northside Asset Inventory - City of AsylumOne Northside Asset Inventory and Mapping is a project intended to maximize university student research, talent and creativity in coordination with existing community planning and outreach efforts towards the creation of a Northside asset inventory and map.

The goal for NS AIM is to map community assets, which  is anything that can be used to improve the quality of community life, such as historical sites, buildings, parklets, public art and community gardens. 

Gathering input from community members and community organizations on neighborhood assets is a critical part of the process. The community asset mapping process will ultimately inform planning and design decisions for a neighborhood trail system that will eventually link the neighborhoods together.

GTECH StrategiesIf you would like to hear more about the project or have time to give input about some cool places in any of our Northside neighborhoods, the NS AIM team would love to hear from you!  You can email them directly at onensaim@gmail.com or call GTECH Strategies at 412-361-2099.  

Any contribution will help to ensure that the team maps all of the assets of each neighborhood and represents the tremendous quality that is the Northside! 


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