Tree Distress Alert
With high temperatures and little rain or relief in sight, Pittsburgh’s urban forest is in need of some TLC.
Tree Pittsburgh is encouraging our neighbors to care for trees in this hot weather, especially those planted in the last 1-3 years.
“Newly planted trees experience stress more quickly,” said Jake Milofsky, Tree Care and Restoration Coordinator at Tree Pittsburgh. “It’s important to water these trees to keep Pittsburgh’s urban forest thriving.”
Signs of drought stress include leaf discoloration, early fall color and early leaf drop. Newly planted trees need about 20 gallons of water each week. It’s important to water slowly, so the water has time to percolate down to the tree’s roots. A simple solution for watering trees is to drill several small holes in the bottom of a five-gallon bucket. Set it near your small planted tree, fill it up with water and then let it slowly flow out.
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