Alpine Street Workshop Planned for Saturday, January 22

Alpine Street Workshop Planned for Saturday, January 22

At the Allegheny City Central Association October 11, 2021 General Membership Meeting, a discussion was held about a proposed RFP to sell the ACCA-owned lots on Alpine Street. Neighbors who live on and near Alpine Street expressed concerns about the RFP, and requested that they be allowed to provide input about what happens to the vacant lots.

ACCA President, Maggie Connor, suggested holding a design exercise/workshop with residents from Alpine and the surrounding streets, noting that the neighbors’ concerns were not just about the vacant lots, but also involved safety, traffic, and parking issues. A workshop would help to identify what the problems are in the area, what the goals are, and the best way to strategically organize the process.

The Alpine Street Workshop will be held on Saturday, January 22. Mark your calendar to Save the Date, and please SHARE this information with your neighbors.

More details will be provided as soon as they are available.


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