The deadline has passed for filing an appeal of the Zoning Board of Adjustment’s decision to grant variances to TREK Development Group‘s Garden Theater Block project. As you probably already know, two appeals of the Zoning Board’s decision have been filed. A pre-trial conference is scheduled for Thursday, December 10.
While TREK’s counsel will work to consolidate the appeals and expedite the review of the case, these appeals have the potential to delay the project anywhere from six months to two-and-a-half years. Needless to say, there is a significant concern about the condition of the remaining structures and their ability to remain standing over that time frame. This jeopardizes the historic structures that the community has worked hard to see re-used to the greatest extent possible in the redevelopment of this block.
After consultation with TREK Development, ACCA is asking neighbors to express their support for the project. TREK and its partners went through a very extensive public process that included over twenty meetings and presentations. Adjustments were made to the design and layout of the project based on public input. While in a neighborhood as large and diverse as ours we will never have 100% support for a project as significant as this, the overwhelming majority of residents who have taken a position on this project support it. This was reflected in community meetings and testimony before the Zoning Board. Some of the past media coverage has suggested the neighborhood is divided over the project, and we believe that it is important for stakeholders to hear from those in support. Letters and calls to the press and television, calls to the Mayor’s office, and the offices of Councilwoman Darlene Harris and Councilman Daniel Lavelle, are all welcomed. We ask only that the tone of the messages remains positive.
TREK remains committed to the appeal process, and is very confident that based on the facts of the case that they will ultimately prevail. In the interim, we will watch with great interest the progress occurring with City of Asylum’s transformation of the Masonic Temple building. Questions can be directed to #growthegarden